
  • What Bus Bunching Teaches Us About Complexity and Control

    September 30, 2024

    Bus bunching is a symptom of deeper inefficiencies in transit systems that aren't being addressed. It’s easy to blame technology or traffic, but real change happens when teams embrace the messy work of collaboration and accountability. If we want transit to work, we must stop delivering “good enough” and start aiming for transformative outcomes.

  • Disruption Alert: Product Management in Transit Tech

    September 20, 2024

    Successful product management in public transit is about more than shipping features—it’s about delivering real value amidst an ever-changing landscape of policy, rider needs, and operational constraints. The key to innovation? Resist top-down control and create the conditions for teams to explore, iterate, and adapt.

  • The Capacity to Endure

    August 28, 2024

    Amidst the challenges facing public transit, a quiet revolution is taking place within transit agencies themselves. By turning inward and leveraging their in-house experts, agencies are redefining the future of transit technology from the inside out.

  • Strategy Brief: GTFS Management at Scale

    July 24, 2024

    Managing GTFS data at scale requires a nuanced and strategic approach. For public transit leaders, this strategy is essential to ensure accurate service information, making public transit easier to use and building trust in transit service.

  • CrowdStruck: Blue Screen of Box Checking

    July 23, 2024

    How Can Public Transit Agencies Avoid Another CrowdStrike Incident?

  • A Product Team in Every US Transit Agency?

    June 25, 2024

    How to Orchestrate High-Impact Technology Product Teams in Public Transit

  • Marriage of Minds: When Designers and Engineers Co-Create

    June 5, 2024

    In tech, when engineers and designers don’t work well together, it causes delays and poor outcomes. It might go unnoticed when this happens at, say, an ad-tech company that can easily absorb delays. However, in civic tech, where budgets are constrained and project failures put the public at risk, we have to consider every sustainable way to help projects succeed. The quality of collaboration between engineers and designers can be the tipping point, where small changes lead to significant improvements in delivering on-time solutions.

  • Transit Tech is Civic Tech

    November 8, 2023

    A deep dive into how civic tech methods can align transit tech teams so closely with the needs of the public that they become customer-led, or in this case, rider-led. Transit Tech is CIVIC TECH was presented at Transportation Camp NYC and explores methods for transit tech teams to ensure that the unmet needs and challenges of rides get prioritized in technology work.